Another cub bites the dust.

I skipped a posting last week because I was sick, although in hindsight, that was probably a cover for the real reason. I think there was too much uncertainty roiling around in my subconscious, and I couldn’t work out what to tackle first. I also must have intuited that it was too early (and personal) to write about what was to come a few days later: a break up with my tall, young, sweet and Aidan-like goyfriend.

Most of my friends don’t know yet but the few that I’ve told reacted with the classic, “Whaattt?? What happened?!”  They were surprised. Things seemed to be going so well.

We all know that just because things look great on the outside, doesn’t always mean that they actually are.  Although to my boyfriend and I, on the inside, it was looking promising. We were going through the good relationship motions: checking in with one another, sleeping over, sharing stories, dining and wining together. When I was sick he bought me yellow tulips. The image of him standing by my bed, this huge guy clutching this tiny unbloomed bouquet makes my heart hurt.  I had given him a key to my apartment just a week before. 

He even met the Fockersteins, for god (his and mine) sake!   And afterwards, my mother went out of her way to Google ‘Amazon’ and send me a book, signifying that my man and I had a future, entitled “Marrying a Jew, from a Christian perspective.” I freaked. My goyfriend was on his way over and I found myself hiding the book and its receipt like it was porn. I emailed Mom to tell her that if I needed more information on interfaith relationships, I knew how to Google too, and could do so when I was ready.

My point is, I wonder if the visible increase in such niceties indicates that there is something wrong under the surface? How many times have you heard women express great shock over a break up, specifically because the guy “texted me just the night before to say he wanted to spend his life with me!” or “but we just planned a vacation to Hawaii!” Are we actually more emphatic, more lovey-dovey to our significant other, just before we break up with them? Is it denial, or are we overcompensating, in the hopes of eradicating our doubts?

Looking back, I think some of this was going on with us. We were ignoring the elephant in the room for a while (no not the Christian one…a cute image though. And by the way, if you think I’m avoiding the real reason we broke up, you are correct. I’m not going to go anywhere near that in a public post, out of respect for him, and because even for a blogger, there are some things that are really no body’s business.)  A year ago, with my last boyfriend, I could go a long time blissfully ignoring things – ignoring my gut. But not anymore. At least there is a silver lining to this breakup. Amidst the heartache, at least I know that my gut and I have become best friends – the kind of friend I listen to, who doesn’t project her own agenda, baggage, or neurosis on me like some friends tend to do.

My dad said it best: “I see you don’t sit on the pot too long anymore.”

When I told Mom we broke up, she surprised me. Rather than reacting with her predictable “Heeeeee!! Mah karah?” (“What happened?” in Hebrew…Mom switches to Hebrew for important subjects), she listened. 

And then in a soft patient voice she said, “Cougel, you will be okay. You’re strong and practical. You’ve been through a lot worse.” 

How true, I realized. After the end of a fourteen-year marriage, followed by a three-year relationship with a guy I was envisioning marriage number two with, the failure of a four-month relationship, no matter how in love I felt, doesn’t scare me.  I wonder if the loss of love hurts less with age and experience, or more, because the older we get, the greater our despair. Or perhaps the rate of our recovery correlates with the quality of the relationship itself, and how certain we are deep down that it just “wasn’t right.” Four days after my breakup, and judging by how I’m doing, I’m pretty certain that for me it was the latter.

It doesn’t mean I didn’t cry the day we broke up. After Mom and I hung up, I called her back to tell her one more thing: “By the way. I’m going to keep the book you sent me….for the next guy.”

Mom burst out laughing (I love that she can laugh at herself) and then I joined in. It felt good. Mom also knows there is some truth to my comment. The likelihood that my next boyfriend won’t be Jewish is no surprise, nor does it seem to freak my parents out anymore (Call it acceptance. Or learned helplessness. Either way, I’m glad).

The upside to all of this is that now I can start blogging more freely again, without worrying about respecting a boyfriend’s privacy (my own privacy, as evidenced by this blog, is fair game).  Although I doubt I will start online dating anytime soon, no matter how good the fodder is for my blog.

But when I do, you’ll know.

10 replies
  1. Laksmi Hedemark
    Laksmi Hedemark says:


    You friggen rock… thanks for sharing this experience.

    I’m so in awe of you…keep it up girl… love your blog and the way you share your life and heart with us!

    Sending a hug to both you and your intuition/gut/whatever you call it… : )


  2. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Your honest approach to life is what draws your closest and dearest to you. You are made up of strength and love and I have no doubt that your “bashert” is waiting for you when you are ready.

  3. LMiz
    LMiz says:

    …overcompensating in the hopes of eradicating our doubts. Love that way of describing the last ditch effort to salvage a relationship. Sorry for your sadness, but it is fleeting and necessary to learn and move on- which it seems you are on your way toward doing already.

  4. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    You are a strong, intuitive, realistic, young woman.
    Great to see you do not feel sorry for yourself.

  5. AndThatsWhyYoureSingle
    AndThatsWhyYoureSingle says:

    My honest take on this, since you asked me via Twitter, is that this guy never really had long term intentions in the first place. It’s interesting that even you describe things as “going through the relationship motions.” You’re more intuitive than you think, and that stuff almost always spills out when we write.

    You asked if people get more sensitive or compassionate to their mate when they realize the relationships aren’t working. I don’t think that’s it.

    A friend of mine was in a 3 year relationship with a young woman. They lived together for 2 years of the relationship. One day he tweeted out a picture of the Christmas Tree they bought and decorated for their apartment. 5 days later they broke up. How do you go from point A to point B? The answer is: you don’t. You’re always at Point B. You just don’t know it. It just looks like Point A. Men have an amazing ability to stay in relationships far longer than they should. They find ways to make it work by choosing to focus on certain things and ignore others.

    This guy, I think, was always at Point B . He always knew he’d eventually leave. It was always temporary to him. But reading things on your blog like how your Mom Googled him probably sped up the process. It’s hard to ignore what’s written out right in front of you. It was obvious that you had intentions towards this guy and that you cared very deeply for him. To his credit, he didn’t let things go on too long for his own benefit.

    In January you said :

    So am I in a relationship now? It looks that way.

    You said this on your blog. But had you and this man actually discussed or agreed that you two were in a relationship? I’m asking because it’s little things like this that we say, things we think are innocuous, that are misinterpreted by the men we date. They don’t want to learn what’s going on in our head through a blog. They want to hear it from US. Or not at all.

    I think that if this guy you were dating was reading this blog, he felt a lot of pressure to produce. Even if you only sporadically mentioned him. Men know that most women want commitment and a solid relationship. But to read it in black and white can be very, very daunting. In another recent post you repeatedly referred to him as “my boyfriend.” Even if he agreed that you and he were exclusive, hearing a woman say that out loud over and over again can make a man wonder if she’s really in the relationship to be with him, or just to be in a relationship. Again, it may not be intentional, but sometimes we objectify and dehumanize these men without realizing it.

    I guess what I’m saying is: Don’t Blog About It. Blogging will always be a speedbump for you when it comes to dating. Always.

  6. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    My Sweet and Strong Cougel,

    You will be fine. I don’t know you that well–but what I do know about you leads me to believe this.


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