Ten Reasons (Not) To Get Back Together With Your Ex.

How many people do you know suffer through a break up (amicable or not), only to get back together with their exes? How many people do you know who have done that more than once? (Raises hand). Why? 1.     Habit:  A big fat vacuum exists after a break up. Something (someone) is missing, and you […]

A 9/11 post.

I was hesitant to post a blog tonight because any topic related to dating, relationships, and the general woes of being single seemed grossly trivial compared to the somber commeration of 9/11’s ten-year anniversary. The minutiae that make up our day to day lives – the little joys as well as the irritating dramas and […]

A divorced Cougel goes to a wedding - on her wedding anniversary.

How does it feel to be a single divorcee at a wedding?  I found out this weekend. I’ve been to two weddings since my divorce. One of them was with my first ex-cub, and my parents – a cousin’s wedding. The second was a close family friend and I had my sisters and parents to […]

Hurricanes: Can hype and drama be a good thing?

Most people would say that Hurricane Irene came around at the worst time. Trips and weddings were canceled, weekends at the beach for what remains of summer bungled, and New Yorkers forced to hibernate in claustrophobic apartments. After the deluge of Facebook statuses bemoaning the media hype and pointless fear it generated, it seems redundant […]

Why do men like younger women?

As a self proclaimed cougar, it might seem odd that I haven’t asked this question before, but perhaps it is because I’m no longer dating younger guys. Rather, I’m seeing a lot of older men falling for “girls” (which I will call them here) in their twenties. Call it the reverse-cougar.  The reasons seem obvious: […]

Detours on life’s main path.

When I tell some people about the careers I’ve had: I was a Fine Arts major, a screenwriter, an indie film producer, and an advertising agency producer (being a waitress for two weeks at UNO’s pizza in D.C. doesn’t count) before I was a writer/blogger and marketer – they either don’t believe me, or think […]

Is introversion a prerequisite to creativity?

Just in case any of you believe that writing a decent blog post weekly is easy, allow me to dispel this notion.  When I have an idea brewing or an obvious story to tell, it is less difficult.  When I’m emotionally unsettled or my subconscious is working through something, it rises to the surface of […]

Life, Take Two

On most Sunday mornings, I look back on the week I’ve had and think about what to post – whether there are emerging themes or repeat occurrences that are worth discussion.  This past week was packed with what seemed to be a lot of disconnected events, all noteworthy in my mind, but not necessarily related. […]

Can the option to get married change a relationship?

From New York City to Niagara Falls, hundreds of gay and lesbian couples across the state began marrying today – the culmination of a long battle in the Legislature and a new milestone for gay rights advocates seeking to legalize same-sex marriage across the nation (abbreviated; NYT). In New York City, 823 couples had signed […]

Ten Reasons Why You’re Still Single.

The following question was asked of me four separate times this week, from four different men. “How in the world are you still single?” Compliment? Sure. It was meant to flatter me. Even though my inability to come up with a clear answer made me feel the opposite of flattered.   I considered the following […]