Do you know what you need?

The theme of this post might be a continuation of – or perhaps a contradiction to – my last post: “Why do we need love?” I’ve found that with age and experience comes the importance of knowing what we need. It extends beyond just relationships or our search for a partner.  We try to seek […]

Love, Etc. Why do we need it?

There’s nothing better than seeing a film about love to snap you out of a “who needs love” frame of mind, especially when it is an unscripted documentary. After an insulated week spent in the illusion that is the bubble of Cannes, I was anticipating the reality of spending the long holiday weekend in NYC, […]

Why do some married men not wear rings?

I just returned from a week of what’s been dubbed, “Spring Break for adults” – the Cannes Lions Festival (the advertising one, not the glamourous film one). It was my first time there, due to my new job, representing my production company. It was a blast (and the reason I couldn’t write a new blog […]

Can logic get in the way of love?

This question has been cropping up lately, in various forms. It wasn’t a consideration when I was in my twenties, and surely not when I decided to marry my ex-husband. Once we were committed to one another, the goal was to make it work, despite our practical differences and sometimes what seemed like insurmountable obstacles, […]

June gloom

I scanned through my old posts tonight, hoping they’d spark a new idea, and I noticed that I only wrote two last June, instead of four or five. I wonder if there is a connection as to why I’m feeling stumped on this particular week. As a blogger, we choose to put ourselves out there. […]

Disappointments in love: are we ourselves to blame?

Wisdom comes with age, right? But what about immunity against disappointment, and even heartache? How many relationships have we found ourselves in, that when they fall apart, we tell ourselves, “I knew this was going to happen.” Well, if we forecasted its demise, or even its lack of sustainability, then why do we go there […]

When it comes to our exes, what can we really ex-pect?

About every eight months or so, I can feel it coming on, the way my knees ache before it rains.  It arrives with either the advent of spring (although in NY right now that seems premature), or around thanksgiving, where I get a message from an ex I haven’t heard from in awhile.  And the […]

NYC: Which is more difficult to find - an apartment, or a man?

It all depends on the quality you’re seeking. There’s an expression I learned back when I started making films.  You want your movie to be three things: “Fast, inexpensive, and good.” But the thing is, you can only have two out of three. It applies to apartments too. If you’re prepared to pay a lot, […]

Mom’s Top Twelve

I’ve been meaning to bring Mom (Ema, in Hebrew) back to the blog, since it’s been a while, and what better day to do so than Mother’s Day? In no particular order, here are my favorite Ema-isms from the last year. If you don’t speak Ema (a language consisting of misspellings, malapropisms, and of course, […]

Should married people be giving divorcees advice?

 I was recently asked to write a piece for The Huffington Post/Divorce section (psyched!) and my topic choice, “How do you know when you’re over your divorce?” inspired me to write this post. I am not suggesting that us divorcees are part of some special club, but we do have a unique experience that those […]