My To-Do-List / 2019

…and probably 2018 too. It’s been awhile since I posted my happenings, and so when I revisited my journal of things I wanted to accomplish, along with the scratched out items of things I would probably never get around to (my “Shit I’ll Never Do List”) I arrived at a semi-clear list that encapsulates both:

-Seduce puppies

-Fantasize about writing an original screenplay.

-Call Mom

-Forget the things I buy at the Bakery and then go back to retrieve them, hoping they’re still there (and still edible).

-Reread my yet unpublished novel for the 450th time and tell myself it’s still viable.

-Finish the bottle of Sancerre.

-Get offered to write my first original screenplay

-Write that first draft of said screenplay in 19 days. 

-Forget what I’m supposed to do.

-Assist that lady with the baby carriage down the subway stairs.

-Write a ‘shit I’ll never do list”

-Visit Mom and Dad

-Tell people what to do disguising it as my “opinion”

-Rewrite screenplay.

-Write new scifi short story

-Rewrite new scifi short story.

-Be jealous of friends posts of their beautiful back yard.

-Buy a plant to put in my dining room window.

-Text my sisters and ask them how the kids are. 

-Leave one whole chocolate chip cookie in the bag for my husband.

-Make dinner reservations for wedding anniversary tonight.

-Throw away dead plant.

-Call Dad to talk about taxes.

-Like my friend’s baby posts on instagram when I wake up at noon.

-Tell your friend their drama is their problem for not being direct.

-Seduce more puppies. 

-Show inappropriate affection.

-Answer Mom’s call during sex.

-Stuff my dog’s kong with 100 treats so I can have sex.

-Apologize for showing inappropriate affection. 

-Throw away leftovers I never should have refrigerated with forlorn looking saran wrap.

-Like my niece’s shoulder baring pictures on instagram and then regret it. 

-Lie to mom that I ate the Shabbos dinner beef stew leftovers because they were lovingly labeled with Tupperware. 

-Write a to do list at work and then doodle all over it.

-Tense up about making plans in calendar maker more than one week in advance.

-Attempt to decipher to do list under doodles, and then throw it away.

-Write a thank you letter to Steven Spielberg for buying my short story and tell him I’m Jewish (reference Holocaust?).

-Remember to buy milk for my coffee and then not do it.

-Convince myself that my Amblin scifi movie will get made before the option expires. 


-Decide which puppy video to post on my wall (or friend’s wall. Both?) 

-Take medication at the same time every morning while making coffee and perusing Facebook and then not remember whether I actually took said medication.

-Take a pill while focusing. A double dose is ok here and there.

-Text cleaning lady to vacuum around the freshly dug trench in the living room carpet by dog.

-Admit to college friends why I don’t want to go to the 25 year reunion (because I never liked College anyway, or high school, or any formal education).

-Look up whose going to reunion before I officially decide I’m not. Then just flake out.

-Learn how Venmo works.

-Venmo mom.

-Enjoy the much needed structure of my job, and dart out of bed in the morning to go there.

-Experience a major slap in the face creatively, and force myself to discover that it was a necessary wake up call. 

-Prioritize what matters (Hi husband. Hi puppy. Hi awesome force of a father that recovered from major heart surgery like a champ. Hi warrior Mom who seems to get younger every day. No more doilies!)

-Thank my genetics, and remind myself not to take them, or anything, for granted. Ever. (Is 15 times a week enough? Thanks).

-Focus on the rest of my life, even though the slice of the pie is getting smaller, and know intrinsically that it will taste sweeter. 

-Live in the present, despite all the looming expectations of what my life should look like. 

-Fuck Should. 

-Let go of what success looks like, and the to-do list I created that captured that so long ago, and embrace where I am now.

-Stop repeating yourself.

-Look at the person across from you with compassion and love, even though it doesn’t always feel good. 

-Love you all. 

10 replies
  1. Daynan Crull
    Daynan Crull says:

    Which husband did you leave one whole chocolate chip cookie for why couldn’t it have been me? , otherwise…Love this 🙂 and you

  2. Laura
    Laura says:

    Seems to me you did most of those things, if not all. Perhaps it should be called your “got done list”😊
    Of course it’s funny and insightful and strikes a chord with me. Because you’re brilliant xo ❤️


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